The first turn on course "A"
On Friday afternoon the field trialers began arriving at the Henderson
Village Plantation hunting area, staking out horses, dogs, getting
copies of their brace sheets and getting together with old friends. The
hunting area has a large parking and stake out area in and around a
pecan orchard. Several buildings surround this area including plantation
kennels, storage buildings, and a clubhouse. Last year Henderson Village
was having a wedding in the clubhouse and the GBC was not able to use
the facility. This year the plantation style building was a warm and
welcoming respite for our lunches, awards ceremonies and Saturday night
happy hour.
Saturday morning was cool, but much warmer than last year, and by mid
day many of us were in shirt sleeves. The GBC used three courses to run
the trial on: the puppy course, the derby course, and the remainder on
the main course. The Open Limited All Age 1-Hour stake was cancelled due
to lack of entries so the trial would only run for the weekend.
This pup will be running next time but learns a lot
about field trials from her stakeout.
For now she's relaxing in the warm sunlight.
Saturday we ran the puppy, derby, open gun dog, and started the
amateur gun dog stake. Placements were given during the Saturday night
happy hour.
Open Puppy
1) Sway - Tom Tracy
2) Snake - Chuck Angus
3) Gus - Tom Tracy
4) Withheld
Open Derby
1) Earl - Tom Tracy
2) Sonny - Linda Zartarian
3) Evil - Sandra Leavens
4) Rowdy - Jere Hart
Open Gun Dog
1) Uzi - Sandra Leavens
2) Harley - Ben Lorenson
3) Miss T - Ben Lorenson
4) Brat - Tom Tracy
Saturday night it rained and by Sunday morning the rain started to
let up. The temperature dropped some but remained in a comfortable range
so that a light jacket with rainwear is all that was needed. By
afternoon the rain had stopped and the sun was coming out.
With the rain scenting conditions seemed to get better as there was
more bird contact. The amateur gun dog was complete at the lunch break
and placements were announced during the break. The open all age started
after lunch and finished in the afternoon.
Amateur Gun Dog
1) Jenny - Joel Paulk
2) Ace - Linda Zartarian
3) Hunter - Sandra Sargent
4) Cutter - Chuck Angus
Open All Age
1) Shooter - Ben Lorenson
2) Hank - Ben Lorenson
3) Roy - Ben Lorenson
4) Withheld
More Pictures Below!
Tommy shows us how to style-up a dog at the breakaway.
Brooke says "take a picture of this face", "NO! NOT
Jan talking with the gallery.
Lisa with Di and Wyatt
Getting the next brace out of the dog wagon.
Thank you Jan and Rhonda, the line marshals.
Ben looks serious. Kyle is distracted.
Waiting for the break-away
Off through the piney woods on the next brace.
The Gallery watches a handler in the clearing ahead.
One of the "woolly" areas.
Tommy on his dancing horse, Rhonda breaking away the dog, the dog
looking to Tommy, all waiting for the signal to start.
Judges and gallery at the break-away.